.the purple diary.


.9th Nov 1987.
.blissfully married to Kamal Basry.
.since 23/12/2006.
.a proud mother of two beautiful.
.NurQystina & NurQalesya.


Daisypath Vacation tickers






28 February 2012, 5:00 PM

ya الله, i dunno hu else shud i turn to at this point of time... after being treated this way ='( he was so mean me. there's no one else out there i could share my sorrows ='( this space is the only place where i can let it all out
=today's  agenda: Qystina eye hospital appointment@KKH & parents’ orientation at My First Skool=
this morning, for no reason he's behaving badly towards me and get pissed off by small silly stuff and etc..
yet i kept my mouth shut, he left me steps away, hurt my feeling, made me cry and do some other nasty stuff. whenever he makes me cry, i will remember what my mom said, "there's no point of feeling regret at this point of time unless pray to Allah and seek his guidance and give you strength to overcome all these challenges" and the reason i'm still living is... because for the sake of my two angels.
The day has been so pressurising and sickening, was expecting the gonna be a great day for both of us but -.-‘..... *speechless* nothing can describe my feeling we he say, “kalau tak kerana anak2 dah lama aku tinggalkan kau”. I don’t know how long would it take for me to forget that phrase he just said.
So both of us kept silent till mid afternoon and we headed to The Sail for me to clean up the unit (before handing over it to the landlord this weekend). Poor lil Qystina cuz her day didn’t turn out well =( she requested for taninot and i didn’t even manage to fulfil her request. I feel so terrible.
Later afternoon, we arrived at Qystina skool sharp 1700hrs; both of us realized how much the silence had calmed us.. without noticing he started to have a word with me.
As a wife, nothing else that can make us happy as to have a loving, caring, understanding, matured husband and patience in handling problems. As for now, he may be not the one i wished for... but i will still pray and keep trying and hoping for a miracle to change him -.- amin.
“Ya allah, kau teguhkanlah pendirian hati ini agar aku tetap berpegang pada yang satu, amin”

Here’sa sneak peek of qystina classroom:

the piglet. *amcm bnyk2 boley babi daaa~

Qystina favourite teachers! (L) Ms Ima (R) Ms.Ang
Qystina in Apple group!
her Apple team!
i'm so touched that see our family portrait was pasted on the classroom wall :)
things i do with my family!
i knew she didn't drew this, but i believe one day she will draw better than this!
she's brilliant! she knows exactly where to place the facial parts :)
expressing her feeling :)
our weekend activity!
the project.
in her lovely classroom :)

cheap calling cards